Teresa Plant Acupuncturist BSc (Hons) Supporting your Mind-Body-Spirit
Acupuncture Client Information
Please read this carefully and ask me if there is anything that you do not understand.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, an aspect of Chinese Medicine, has been used for thousands of years to help people with a variety of illnesses and enjoy a better quality of life. Using the theory of Chinese Medicine allows a practitioner to diagnose the best way to treat someone’s underlying energetic balance based on his or her individual symptoms, experiences, lifestyle, and emotions.
Fine needles are inserted into specific points (acupoints) on the body to help bring about balance and stability. All needles are sterilised and single use and therefore the risk of infection is minimal. The needles are usually retained between 20-40 minutes depending what you need and where the needles are placed.
In some acupoints or areas of the body which are cold to touch or there is limited movement or contraction, moxibustion, in which a herb called mugwort is heated and either placed on the needle, or near the skin to ‘warm’ the area to encourage energy and blood to move. Moxibustion can also be helpful when there is depletion of energy in the body. This can be very soothing and strengthening to the body and mind. Alternatively, a heat lamp is used instead when needed.
Acupuncture Research
There is a growing scientific evidence base on the effectiveness of acupuncture for a variety of conditions. The British Acupuncture Council website provides fact sheets about the evidence that you can access here and the website Evidence Based Acupuncture provides details of the research they undertake and details of other research on acupuncture, helping to build up the evidence to show what acupuncture can help with.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is generally very safe. Serious side effects are very rare – less than one per 10,000 treatments. There are however some side effects that you need to be aware of:
Drowsiness occurs after treatment in a small number of clients, and, if affected, you are advised not to drive
Minor bleeding or bruising occurs after treatment in about 3% of treatments
Pain during treatment occurs in about 1% of treatments
Existing symptoms can temporarily get worse after treatment (less than 3% of
clients). Please let me know, however it can be a good sign.
Fainting can occur in certain clients, particularly at the first treatment.
In addition, if there are particular risks that may apply in your case, which I will discuss with you.
Is there anything else to tell me?
To ensure your safety, it is important that you let me know:
If you have ever experienced a fit, faint or funny turn
If you have a pacemaker, or any other electrical implants
If you have a bleeding disorder
If you are taking anticoagulants or any other medication
If you have damaged heart valves or have any particular risk of infection
If you have had any lymph nodes removed
Attending for consultation and treatment
Initially we will look at the New Client Details Form you provided and talk about your main concerns and why you are seeking help from me. I may ask further questions to clarify information you have provided and to gain an understanding of your life experiences. In addition, I’ll look at your tongue and take your pulse which provide useful information. All this provides a whole-view perspective and allows me to diagnose the patterns that are present and to create treatment plan to help address them.
The treatment plan may involve acupuncture, acupressure, cupping and moxibustion and/or possibly Chinese Herbs. Lifestyle plays a huge part in our health and wellbeing and I may suggest changes to help you and gain the most benefit from your treatment.
Preparing for your treatment
Treatment is best avoided on an empty stomach – so try to eat a light meal or have a snack 2-3 hrs before coming for treatment. It is also helpful if you wear loose, comfortable clothing. Wearing a mask is optional. Please tell me if you are either pregnant or trying to conceive as there are certain acupoints that should be avoided in pregnancy.
Take care of yourself after a treatment
It is a good idea after treatment to adequately rest and not exert yourself too much physically or mentally. This will allow your body to adjust to any changes that have arisen and for your body to start to recover and heal. You may feel energised and in less pain after an acupuncture treatment.
Please take things gently and if you are active, only light exercise is to be advised, as doing too much could be counterproductive. Please avoid alcohol and coffee as they can cause dehydration especially alcohol and so could counteract the benefits of acupuncture. It’s best to drink water, which will allow any released toxins to be flushed away.
Take care of yourself after a treatment
I will treat you with respect. This includes respect for your wishes and beliefs, your right to make lifestyle changes at your own pace, and your right to dignity and privacy. You have the right to say no to any part of your proposed treatment at any time.
Everything that you tell me is kept in the utmost confidence. This is part of the Association of Acupuncture Clinicians’ Code of Practice which I adhere to as a professional member. There are two exceptions detailed below and which I will discuss with you prior to breaking any confidentially if the need arises.
If you have an undiagnosed Notifiable Infectious Disease.
If I have reason to believe that you may be a danger to yourself or others.
Everything else is kept confidential (including from members of your family) unless I have your explicit consent otherwise. If you are a minor (under 16) you will need a parent or guardian present during the treatment and therefore confidentially will be waived between those present during the treatment. This will also be applicable if you ask for a member of your family to be present during treatment.
Giving blood
If you are, or are considering becoming, a blood donor, you should be aware that the NHS Blood Donation Service does not yet allow you to give blood if you’ve had traditional acupuncture within the last six months. From April 2024 there is a verbal agreement with the various professional bodies and the AAC that this requirement will be removed in the future and there is now a process underway to make the legal. However, this will take time and so the policy is still in place. Please be assured that I follow a high level of clinical cleanliness and high standards which is expected by myself, my clients and my professional bodies.
Cancellation, lateness, and no-show policy
I will confirm your appointment via email and will send a reminder 48 hours before the appointment. If you need to cancel a treatment, please give me at least 24 hours’ notice. If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice, you arrive too late, or you do not arrive for the appointment at all, I reserve the right to ask for payment of the treatment fee.
I know that ‘life happens’ sometimes, so I have a policy of not charging the first time that you miss or rearrange an appointment within 24hrs. It means you can re-book for another appointment without further charge.
Support Required
If you experience unusual symptoms or have any concerns about the treatment, please contact me via text message or WhatsApp ( 07510275079 ) with the details. I will respond within 48 hours and will assess the details provided and respond as best as I can.
Teresa Plant (BSc Hons) AAC BAF