Teresa Plant Acupuncturist BSc (Hons) Supporting your Mind-Body-Spirit
An acupuncture treatment applies very fine single-use sterile needles to specific points on the body.
It is tailored towards the needs of each person, not the illness and is designed to encourage movement of stuck energy, Qi, that is usually at the root of the illness which helps to restore balance and to trigger the body's natural healing response.
Initial consultation £45, follow up £40
Massage & Acupressure
An acupressure massage uses pressure instead of needles to encourage movement and healing and can be offered in addition or instead of acupuncture depending upon what you need, using a range of techniques.
It can also help prepare the body for acupuncture by increasing the circulation, bringing warmth to the area massaged alongside a sense of relaxation.
Self-Acupressure at home
Learn how to use acupressure on bespoke body points to to help you with a range of health conditions especially if you are self isolating, feel unable to visit or live outside of Calderdale.
Initial consultation £35, follow up £30
Additional Support
Through the knowledge of Chinese Medicine and 'yangsheng', translated as 'nourishment of life', I can support you to manage your physical and emotional resources promoting harmony and wellness which, is so important right now.